Ok, with 120,000 visitors a month, we need to know what you want to see on the site. Please give us ideas, comments, suggestions, and new songs you want to see on the site.
Remember, IWillWorship is a site for the users, and by the users. The more songs you post, the more songs there are available for others to view. The site is only as good as we make it. When you read these posts be asking if there is any of these requests that YOU can fullfil for other users by posting to the site. If someone asks for a certain lead tab, and you know it, post it, then post a message in the blog letting them know. We all like to keep our music fresh and new. If you don't even see a request for a song but you like a song, and it is NOT ALREADY posted on the web site, please post it. Remember YOU are the one's keeping this site fresh and new with popular songs. Keep posting and keep praising the King of the Universe.
Thank you for making this an awesome site!
To add your comments click on the "Comments" link below.