IWW Featured Artists
Something long in the works, IWillWorship will now be featuring new independent artists/worship leaders every month.
This will give Worship Leaders/Artists recognition (and some income), help support the cost of the website, and gives Worship Leaders some new fresh music all the time.
We've just launched and will be making sure any featured song has a chord chart available.
If you'd like to be a Featured Artists and your currently not signed with a Label let us know where we can hear your song online. If we like it make sure we have a way to contact you on that site and we'll get you the proper documentation on getting your song setup and featured (including how much you get paid, etc.). No transfer of ownership takes place with any of the songs! At this time we are only looking for worship songs, please make sure you have posted a chord chart with lyrics on IWW before having us listen to your song.
Let us know your thoughts, and where to hear your songs!
This will give Worship Leaders/Artists recognition (and some income), help support the cost of the website, and gives Worship Leaders some new fresh music all the time.
We've just launched and will be making sure any featured song has a chord chart available.
If you'd like to be a Featured Artists and your currently not signed with a Label let us know where we can hear your song online. If we like it make sure we have a way to contact you on that site and we'll get you the proper documentation on getting your song setup and featured (including how much you get paid, etc.). No transfer of ownership takes place with any of the songs! At this time we are only looking for worship songs, please make sure you have posted a chord chart with lyrics on IWW before having us listen to your song.
Let us know your thoughts, and where to hear your songs!